[Saint Laurence]

St. Laurence’s Roman Catholic Church

Diocese of East Anglia
Registered Charity No. 278742

Parish Priest:
Fr. Simon Blakesley

91 Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 1XB
Tel: 01223 704640
Email: office@saintlaurence.org.uk
Office opening times: 10am−3pm Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday

Rev. Geoffrey Cook

The Pilgrim

The Pilgrim is Saint Laurence’s Church magazine. It is published approximately four times per year, and contains reports from recent events, news of forthcoming ones, and many articles contributed by parishioners on a huge range of subjects.

Contributions should ideally be sent by email to pilgrim@saintlaurence.org.uk. They may also be posted or handed into the parish office on disc, or typed or handwritten manuscripts, marked for the attention of the Pilgrim Editorial Team.

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